Ushtrim: Krijimi i nje strukture dhe disa antareve dhe afishimi i tyre
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Personi
char emri[50];
int mosha;
float paga;
int main()
Personi p1;
cout << "Vendos emrin: ";
cin.get(p1.emri, 50);
cout << "Vendosni moshen: "; cin >> p1.mosha;
cout << "Vendos rrogen: "; cin >> p1.paga;
cout << "nAfishimi te dhenave te tua." << endl;
cout << "Emri: " << p1.emri << endl;
cout <<"Mosha: " << p1.mosha << endl;
cout << "Paga: " << p1.paga;
return 0;
Ushtrim:Hedhja e studenteve ne sistem se bashku me notat e prv me strukture
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct student
char emri[50];
int id;
float notat;
int main()
student s;
cout << "Ju lutem vendosni te dhenat," << endl;
cout << "Vendosni emrin: "; cin >> s.emri;
cout << "Vendosni ID: "; cin >>;
cout << "Vendosni notat: "; cin >> s.notat;
cout << "nInformacionet tuaja," << endl;
cout << "Emri: " << s.emri << endl;
cout << "ID: " << << endl;
cout << "Notat: " << s.notat << endl;
return 0;
Ushtrim:Siperfaqja Drejtkendeshit me Strukture
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct drejtkendsh
int gjeresi, lartesi;
int main(void) {
struct drejtkendsh drejt;
cout<<"Siperfaqja drejtkendeshit eshte: "<<(drejt.gjeresi * drejt.lartesi)<<endl;
return 0;
Ushtrim:Llogarites i fitimeve nga reklamat ne web
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct reklama
int ads;
double klikime_reklamash;
double fitime_per_klikim;
int main ()
reklama rek;
cout << "Numri reklamave: "; cin >>;
cout << "Klikimet per reklama: "; cin >> rek.klikime_reklamash;
cout << "Fitimet per klimim: $"; cin >> rek.fitime_per_klikim;
cout << "Fitimi juaj: " << *
rek.klikime_reklamash *
return 0;
Ushtrimi: Informacionet e nje personi qe VOTON (Me Funskion)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct votuesi
string emri,adresa;
int id;
//Deklarimi funksionit
//objekti i struktures eshte parameter
void display(struct votuesi v)
cout<<"n ID e Votuesit: "<<;
cout<<"nEmri: "<<v.emri;
cout<<"nAdresa: "<<v.adresa<<"n";
int main()
votuesi v1;;
v1.emri="said Dulevic";
v1.adresa="Durres, Albania";
//therrasim funksionin duke perdorur objektin e struktures
return 0;
Ushtrim: Databaze lokale e filmave me strukture dhe pointer
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 50;
struct filmi{
string titullifilmit;
string regjizori;
int vitipublikimit;
int gjatesiafilmit;
void vendosdata(filmi *object,string titulli, string regjizori,
int viti, int gjatesia);
void printodata(filmi *object);
int main(){
filmi ipari,idyti,itreti;
vendosdata(&ipari,"The Hangover", "Todd Phillips", 2009, 99);
vendosdata(&idyti,"Transformers", "Michael Bay", 2007, 135);
vendosdata(&itreti,"Avatar", "James Francis Cameron", 2019, 250);
//***********printon te dhenat e dy objekteve*****************
cout << "nKeto jane te dhenat per filmin e pare ->n"; //Display data stored for the ipari movie->
cout << "nKeto jane te dhenat per filmin e dyte ->n"; //Display data stored for the idyti movie->
cout << "nKeto jane te dhenat per filmin e trete ->n"; //Display data stored for the idyti movie->
return 0;
void vendosdata(filmi *object,string titulli,
string regjizori, int viti, int gjatesia)
void printodata(filmi *object)
cout << "Titulli Filmit: " << object->titullifilmit << endl;
cout << "Regjizori i filmit: " << object->regjizori << endl;
cout << "Viti kur filmi eshte lancuar: " << object->vitipublikimit
cout << "Gjatesia e filmit ne minuta: " << object->gjatesiafilmit
<< endl;
Ushtrim per hedhjen e diagnozes se 10 pacienteve te ne spitali me ndihmen e nje strukture dhe kushtit for.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct spitali
char emri[50];
int id;
char diagnoza[30];
} p[10];
int main()
cout << "Vendos te dhenat e pacienteve: " << endl;
// kushti for i cili hedh info per 10 pacient
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
p[i].id = i+1;
cout << "Pacienti me ID" << p[i].id << "," << endl;
cout << "Vendos emrin: "; cin >> p[i].emri;
cout << "Vendos diagnozen: "; cin >> p[i].diagnoza;
cout << endl;
cout << "Afishimi diagnozave te 10 pacienteve: " << endl;
// kushti for per ti shfaqur info e 10 pacienteve
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
cout << "nID eshte: " << i+1 << endl;
cout << "Emri: " << p[i].emri << endl;
cout << "Diagnoza: " << p[i].diagnoza << endl;
return 0;
Krijimi i nje strukture qe afishon N student me kushte for
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct student
char emri[50];
int id;
char dega[50];
} s[20];
int main()
int n;
cout<<"Vendos nr e studenteve"<<endl; cin>>n;
cout << "Vendos te dhenat e studenteve: " << endl;
// kushti for i cili hedh info per 10 student
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
s[i].id = i+1;
cout << "Studenti me ID" << s[i].id << "," << endl;
cout << "Vendos emrin: "; cin >> s[i].emri;
cout << "Vendos degen: "; cin >> s[i].dega;
cout << endl;
cout << "Afishimi i "<<n<<" studenteve: " << endl;
//kushti for per ti shfaqur info e 10 studenteve
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cout << "nID eshte: " << i+1 << endl;
cout << "Emri: " << s[i].emri << endl;
cout << "Dega: " << s[i].dega << endl;
return 0;